Invitation to RECOSA Board Meeting September 7


You are invited to join the RECOSA Board for our Zoom meeting on September 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Please click here for a copy of the draft agenda. We will be discussing the Proposed Amended Bylaws, the board elections to be held at the Annual Meeting on November 12th, and other important topics. If you would like to join us, please reply to this email. You will then be sent a Zoom invitation prior to the meeting so that you are able to join us.


The RECOSA Board will review the Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws at this Board meeting and will consider a vote to move them forward for a general membership vote at our Board meeting via Zoom on October 5, 2021. 

We ask that you please review the attached red-lined version of the document (click here) to see the exact changes that are being proposed. Board members have worked diligently to develop these amendments to the Bylaws which will allow greater flexibility to hold virtual meetings and elections, accommodate holdovers and adjustments to Board terms, adjust election procedures as necessary, eliminate term limits, and allow Board members to hold more than one office and to share roles and responsibilities. Any comments and/or suggestions should be sent to RECOSA at as soon as possible so that they may be considered by the Board.



All nine board positions for 2022 will be up for election at our November 12th Annual Meeting as all board members are holdovers from last year when we were unable to meet for an election. The success of RECOSA depends on the active involvement of our board members and general membership. A Nominating Committee of Honorary RECOSA Board Members has been appointed: Rolando Bono, Chair, Edward Garcia, and Julia Castellano-Hoyt. The Committee will be accepting statements of interest from those who wish to serve on the board. Statements of interest should include your name and contact information, background, interest in preserving our retiree benefits, availability to attend meetings in-person and virtually, and ability to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a RECOSA Board member. Please email your statements of interest directly to Nominating Chair Rolando Bono, rolando.bono@sbcglobal.netno later than Friday, October 29th. Please note on the email’s subject line “RECOSA NOMINATING COMMITTEE.”


Best regards from your RECOSA Board! 

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