Membership shall be open to any civilian/non-uniform retiree of the City of San Antonio who is eligible to receive benefits from the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) and/or the City’s health care benefits. In addition, the following individuals are also eligible for membership:
A. Retiree’s Spouse or Domestic Partner who is eligible to continue City of San Antonio retirement benefits and/or healthcare benefits upon the death of retiree.
B. Fire fighters and police officers of the City of San Antonio who retired prior to October 1, 1989,who are currently receiving retiree healthcare benefits from the City of San Antonio or their Spouses or Domestic Partners upon the death of the retired fire fighter or police officer.
To become a RECOSA member, eligible individuals must indicate their interest by providing their contact information to RECOSA. Subject to revisions of the Bylaws, any person previously deemed to be a member shall continue to be a member.