RECOSA is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that depends on members like YOU to volunteer their time and talents to run the organization and to help promote the interests of City of San Antonio retirees.
There will be several board vacancies for 2023-2024 and we are actively recruiting for eager and dedicated candidates to fill these vacancies.
Interested candidates should be able to commit the time and effort to attend monthly board meetings and various administrative tasks to keep RECOSA operating.
If you are interested, we ask that you email a Statement of Interest to by Oct. 31, 2022. Please note on email subject line “Nominating Committee 2023“. Your Statement of Interest doesn’t have to be formal or lengthy, but should include: 1) name; 2) contact information; 3) brief background; 4) availability to attend meetings; 5) ability to carry out RECOSA tasks, and; 6) why you’re interested in volunteering.