RECOSA’s Annual Membership Meeting & Brown Bag session was held Friday, November 17, 2023, at the Phil Hardberger Urban Ecology Center.
RECOSA thanks Mayor Ron Nirenberg for an informative presentation regarding the state of the City of San Antonio, Human Resources staff for helping organize the event; Human Services for staffing a table at the event, Parks and Recreation Department for the use of their excellent facility, Generations Federal Credit Union for staffing a table, and the many individuals and organizations that donated silent auction and door prizes.
Over 100 attendees enjoyed a delicious box lunch prepared by W.D. Deli – a local business – thanks to the generous financial support of Generations Federal Credit Union.
Following the Mayor’s presentation and a question-and-answer session, RECOSA Chair Rebecca Waldman presented an annual report regarding RECOSA’s coordination with Human Resources throughout the past year, board outreach efforts, online enhancements, and a financial report. Retirees were encouraged to participate in the City’s Charitable Campaign and to consider donations to RECOSA which relies on contributions to keep the organization dues-free.
An election was held to fill a board vacancy and three other board positions for 2024-2025. Congratulations to the new board members that were elected: Steve DeLaHaya and Frank Villani (a former RECOSA Board member) as well as the incumbents that were re-elected: Kevin Burton and Stephen Haney.
Rebecca Waldman, outgoing board member and RECOSA Chair, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for her 14 years of service with the RECOSA board in various officer positions. Elections for 2024 board officers will be held at the next RECOSA board meeting rescheduled to January 9, 2024.
Finally, over 40 great door prizes, including gift cards from $25 – $100 and miscellaneous merchandise, were awarded to lucky attendees. A list of the door prizes and donors may be viewed BELOW. In addition, a silent auction held for a pair of Spurs game tickets donated by RECOSA Secretary Diana Alcocer raised $350 for RECOSA’s coffers.
Photos from the event can be viewed HERE.