Mar. 7 RECOSA Board Meeting, Mar. 24 Brown Bag Session, & SilverSneakers Now Includes Apple Fitness+

Mar. 7 RECOSA Board Meeting

Join us on Zoom for the next RECOSA board meeting on Tue., Mar. 7, 2023 at 11:30 a.m.

Please send an email to and we’ll send you a Zoom link to attend.

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Mar. 24 Brown Bag Session

Mark Your Calendars! The City of San Antonio’s Human Resources Dept. and RECOSA will be hosting the next Brown Bag session on Friday, March 24 at 11:30 a.m. at the Pre-K 4 SA East Education Center, located at 5230 Eisenhauer Rd.

Presentations will be made by the American Heart Association and Methodist Healthcare on topics from our 2022 survey in which members expressed interest. Human Resources will provide healthy snacks, fruit and water. A drawing will be held for a $100 VISA gift card.

The American Heart Association’s presentation will be on heart healthy living from a holistic approach, incorporating healthy habits and ending with a demonstration of hands-only CPR, including an opportunity for attendees to practice on mannequins.

Methodist Healthcare’s presentation will focus on heart disease prevention from a dietary perspective, including the impact of unhealthy eating and its risk factors, and recommended eating guidelines and putting them into practice. Methodist Healthcare System staff will also be providing complimentary blood pressure readings.

To RSVP, call and leave a message at (210) 207-7000 or email

SilverSneakers Now Includes Apple Fitness+

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