RECOSA and the City of San Antonio’s HR Dept. held a successful Brown Bag session on longevity and aging on Jun. 16th at the Urban Ecology Center, located at Phil Hardberger Park.
A presentation was given by Dr. Monica Serra, PhD, Associate Professor at UT Health’s Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, on how being physically active will improve longevity and help reduce health care costs. That presentation can be viewed by clicking the image below or can be accessed by clicking on the “Jun. 16, 2023 Brown Bag” link from the Presentations & Reports tab at the top of this webpage, or by clicking this link.

In addition, representatives from American Assn. of Retired Persons (AARP) and Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) provided information on their programs.
AARP provided information on caregiving, brain health, and identity theft and fraud. This included handouts on Prepare to Care, The Con Artist Playbook, and Brain-Healthy Habits.
AACOG provided information on benefits counseling and aging information resources. AACOG’s Benefits Counselors consult on Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security, Senior Medicare fraud/scams, and Medicare/Medicaid appeals/hearings. AACOG’s Benefit Counselors also provide assistance with applications for Medicaid and State Long Term Care Services. AACOG provides legal services assistance and collaborates with The San Antonio Bar Association on wills, powers of attorney, advanced directives, uncontested divorces, and Transfer on Death Deeds (TODDs).
Registration volunteer, Deborah Vasquez, won the $100 HEB gift card, and six On-the-Go Travel Bags, provided by AARP, were also given away as door prizes.