January 2023 RECOSA Board Meeting on Zoom
Join us on Zoom for the next RECOSA board meeting on Tue., Jan. 3, 2023 at 11:30 a.m.
Please send an email to info.recosa@gmail.com and we’ll send you a Zoom link to attend.

Aetna Medicare Healthy at Home Webcast Network
Starting in January, Aetna Medicare retirees will be able to access a new benefit – the Aetna Medicare Healthy at Home Webcast Network.

The Healthy at Home Webcast Network brings together the Healthy at Home and Workout Wednesdays webcast series.
The network features three channels – Health Lifestyle, Fitness, and Food – each focused on a different wellness theme to support the whole you, and will feature two webcasts per month.
The new design will launch early next year and will feature:
- The 2023 Healthy at Home webcast lineup
- Links to register for the webcasts
- Library of all on-demand videos and resources
- Bonus videos from experts and more
Aetna Medicare retirees should be receiving more information in early January. To access the Health at Home website, visit https://healthyathome.aetnamedicare.com/.
If you have any questions, you can contact Aetna by visiting https://www.aetna.com/about-us/contact-aetna.html.