Brown Bag Presentations Posted 8/16/2022

Many thanks to the 52 retirees who joined us for a lively in-person Brown Bag session at the Mission Library on August 16, 2022. Our first in-person meeting in over 2 years was spaciously organized, informative, and fast paced.  We extend our thanks to the San Antonio Public Library for the great facility and the Human Resources staff who organized the event and lined up the excellent speakers, not to mention snacks and great conversation!  Our presenters included:
Renee Frieda, newly appointed Human Resources Director, highlighted the proposed rates for health insurance and confirmed the City’s Cost of Living Increase of 4.9% to TMRS benefits and explained the basic method to calculate increases.  We still recommend calling TMRS if you have specific questions (800-924-8677).
Justina Tate, Management and Budget Director, provided highlights and insight into the City’s proposed 2023 Budget ($3.4 Billion!) and the process that follows. You can learn more and participate in the budget community input process by following this link:
Arin Varda from Aetna Insurance provided information on the Post 65 health benefit program that many of us use and answered specific and general questions.
Brandon McCorkle from BlueCross/Blue Shield Texas, the provider to Pre65 retirees and current City employees, explained the distinctions between various medical facilities to best avoid the high cost of using an emergency room. 
Besides the live speakers and chance to chat with each other, we shared a special moment with our door prize, a pair of tickets and parking pass to a Spurs home game, which went to David Chumchal, loyal RECOSA member and formerly with Public Works.  We extend a special thank you to Diana Alcocer for donating the tickets/pass and welcome her to her first year on the RECOSA Board!

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