Brown Bag Speaker
Please join us on Friday, March 25th, at 11:30 a.m. for the first Brown Bag session of 2022. The event is again online – click here to see the attached Retiree Matters newsletter and look for information at the bottom of the first page on how to join the online session. Our excellent speaker, Michael A. Amezquita, Chief Appraiser of the Bexar Appraisal District, will explain the appraisal process and how to file an appeal. Please note that the last day to file an appeal is May 15th.
Mr. Amezquita, one of our most popular speakers, last talked to us at a Brown Bag session in June 2018. Mr. Amezquita has a vast amount of experience, having served as Chief Appraiser in Bexar County since June 2003 and earlier in Cameron County from 1995-2003. You will be able to address your questions to Mr. Amezquita and his staff via chat. We expect this to be a most informative session and urge you to attend.
Retiree Matters – Insurance Updates and Text Messaging for Retirees
You will find helpful health and vision insurance information in this latest edition of Retiree Matters – click here – as well as an option to sign up for text messaging for retirees, another way to remain in contact with the City.
Let’s stay connected –
Best wishes from your RECOSA Board