August 16th In-Person Brown Bag Session



August 16th In-Person Brown Bag Session

Friends, please join us for our first in-person Brown Bag session in over two years!  We will be meeting at the Mission Library, 3134 Roosevelt Ave., on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at 11:30 a.m. This will be a great opportunity to visit with our fellow retirees and to hear presentations from the City of San Antonio about the upcoming 2023 proposed budget: issues impacting or are of particular interest to retirees, any proposed changes to healthcare benefits, suggestions on how to keep healthcare costs down, and an explanation of the TMRS COLA and how it is calculated. More details to come


If you haven’t taken the 2022 RECOSA Survey yet, please do so by following this link. RECOSA 2022 Survey.


Stay cool out there!

Your RECOSA Board


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