Recap of Nov. 15 Annual MembershipMeeting & Brown Bag Session

Happy New Year, and in case you missed it, here’s a recap of the RECOSA Annual Meeting.

RECOSA’s Annual Membership Meeting & Brown Bag session was held Friday, Nov. 15, 2024, at the San Antonio Central Library.

Asst. City Manager, Lori Houston, provided an informative presentation on “What’s New in the Alamo City”. Click the image to view the presentation.

In addition to Lori Houston’s presentation, RECOSA Chair Stephen Haney presented an annual report regarding RECOSA’s coordination with Human Resources throughout the past year, and a financial report.  Click the image to view the presentation.

These presentations are also available under the Presentations & Reports tab on the RECOSA website,

RECOSA thanks:

  • Assistant City Manager Lori Houston
  • COSA Human Resources staff for helping organize the event
  • Central Library and staff for the planning logistics and the use of their facility
  • Generations Federal Credit Union for staffing a table
  • individuals and organizations that donated to the silent auction and door prizes

Over 100 attendees enjoyed a Jason’s Deli box lunch, thanks to the generous financial support of Generations Federal Credit Union.

In Mar. 2024, revisions to the RECOSA bylaws allowed for the 2025 board elections, which were held online in Oct. 2024. The number of members who were able to vote online was three times that of a typical election held during the Annual Meetings. Two new board members were added and introduced to the membership – Rosa Sanchez and Jim Thomas. Retirees were also encouraged to participate in the City’s Charitable Campaign and to consider donations to RECOSA, which relies on contributions to keep the organization dues-free.

An update was conducted on the new board members and board roles. Certificates of appreciation were given to:

  • Lori Houston for her presentation
  • Diana Alcocer for her service with the RECOSA board as Recording Secretary
  • Martha Sepeda for contribution in numerous roles

Over 20 great door prizes were awarded to lucky attendees including tickets to theatre and arts events, restaurant packages, a Fredericksburg TX Hill Country wine package, SA collectibles, gift cards ranging up to $100, and miscellaneous merchandise. Click the image to view a list of the door prizes and donors. In addition, a silent auction was held for a pair of Spurs game tickets, donated by RECOSA Secretary Diana Alcocer, which raised funds for RECOSA’s coffers.

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